1. Are you looking to build brand awareness? Here's some tips you may like. Check out this article.

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  2. You website has to be captivating, interesting and thought-provoking. You need to see yourself as a true artist, and your website is your work of art that attracts your fan base. As with any work of art, you will only be able to achieve this if you know how to think outside the box. You need to be able to convey a message through your own vision and thought, and this can be quite complicated. Learning how to stimulate the senses of your visitors, leaving them wanting for more is one of the hardest things you will ever have to do. The trick is to make sure that you don't use too many complicated designs while avoiding being boring at the same time. Substance, obviously, is key. We know that the content of your website has to be informative and relevant if you want to set yourself apart from the crowd and show yourself to be a professional. Only by offering proper content will potential customers take you seriously after which, they will have the confidence to trust you and your services. You must be able to reflect this through your website, which is really a multifunctional tool. It is a marketing tool, a method of creating brand awareness and something used for communication. As such, you need to see your website as being a personal interaction. This is only possible through dramatic design elements and fantastic content, balanced in such a way that they are not too much "in your face." Web design is absolutely vital in all of this. The design of your site will ultimately determine whether or not you will be successful. The key element within that is usability. What your users want is to type in a few words and find all the information that they need, without having to put themselves through any difficulties. We live in a society where people expect to be able to have their questions answered immediately, rather than having to spend countless hours doing research. This has caused people to have a shorter attention span as well, which you need to be aware of. Where once upon a time, people would bake a cake from scratch, taking hours and hours, they now buy a box, add water and are done in 10 minutes. This is what they expect from a website as well. Hence, you have to make sure that your site is completely user-friendly and that it contains everything somebody might want to know. Of course, you also have to make sure that your site is very easy to find, which is the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) element. It is up to you to decide whether to hire design and SEO as a service, or as two separate elements. By Driven Web Services

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